It’s not surprizing that my easy blender milkshake recipes have become a favorite for many people, the strawberry milkshakes are so simple to make in your blender… And they taste great to!
The Basic Strawberry Milkshake Recipe
I prefer to use frozen strawberries in this particular milkshake, the frozen strawberries make the milkshake thicker and colder than fresh ones and they still have lots of natural goodness in them.
You will need:
- 2 scoops of vanilla or strawberry ice cream.
- 1 cup of milk.
- 6 fresh strawberries or 1/2 a cup of frozen strawberries.

Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend together until smooth then pour into a large glass and add more strawberries on top to decorate.
You can change the recipe to suit your needs and you can add more strawberries or ice cream in the mix to suit your tastes. You might even add a banana to give your milkshake a creamier texture.
The beauty of making your own milkshake is you have total control of what’s included.

Strawberry and Banana Milkshake Recipe
The banana in this milkshakes gives it a lovely creamy texture, throw in a handful of fresh strawberries, 2 scoops of ice cream and a half cup of milk and you get a great fresh fruit milkshake.
You will need:
- 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.
- 1/2 cup milk.
- 1/2 cup frozen or fresh strawberries.
- 1 banana.

Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.

The Ultimate Strawberry Milkshake Recipe
The ultimate starwberry milkshake may look a little pasty but it’s bursting with sweet strawberry flavour.
I’ve used homemade ice cream here, but any strawberry ice cream is going to taste good in this milkshake!
You will need:
- 4 small scoops of strawberry ice cream (2 to blend in with the milkshake and two to add later).
- 2 tablespoons strawberry syrup or ice cream topping.
- 1 cup milk.

- Place 2 scoops of the ice cream, the milk and most of the strawberry sauce into the blender and blend until smooth.
- Place 1 scoop of ice cream into a glass and then pour over the milkshake.
- Finish with a scoop of ice cream balanced on the side of the glass and a trickle of the remaining strawberry sauce.
- Sit back and enjoy!!!

My favorite is Tillamook Old Fashioned Vanilla ice cream, 1 banana, fresh strawberries, Hershey’s Chocolate syrup and milk. Think banana split without the pineapple. Yum!!!